Великий Голод був найбільшою катастрофою, яку Україна пережила — як щодо кількості жертв, так і щодо людських страждань.
Мілена Рудницька, депутатка польського Сейму
About Association
We provide a wide range of services to meet even the most daring requirements.
Our Company was established in 1989 by two enthusiastic brothers eager to start their own business and to get noticed by the whole world. Now we are one of the country’s best places to work and grow professionally. Our business is built on understanding and long-term relations with clients. To survive in today's competitive and ever-changing business world, every business has to operate efficiently, grow, and succeed. It is very important to properly use the information and technology to stay rival within your market. We can help you push the boundaries and achieve the results you have planned.
History of Holodomor
Hi, I am Anthony Robertson. I have gained a bachelor’s degree in business-related fields in 1999. I started my career at this company as a novice but over the years of successful practice, I've gradually climbed up the career ladder. Now I am a Managing Director with nearly 20 years of experience and numerous industry awards.
When I am not at work, I enjoy spending time with my family. I am lucky to have a beautiful wife and two wonderful children, Jennifer and Michael. I love family dinners, various outings, and sports activities but I also have one favorite hobby. Despite the fact that it is not quite a men’s one, I am passionate about cooking. The cooking process takes my daily stress away and inspires me to create new tastes and recipes and share them with others. Every weekend I pamper my family with something special.
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